Monday, January 2, 2017

Daily Sketch: Fences

The Sketchbook Series: Fences

Buy "Fences" today at
Follow me on Facebook for all the latest: Kurt Aspland Studio

20 Tips to Improve Your Drawing:

Tip #2: Draw everyday – Have the right supplies, keep it cheep and simple. I use a $5 spiral bound sketchbook (9x12 Strathmore Sketch pad) and a pack of $2 Crayola color pencils. I have used a lot of different fine art pencils and in the end I have found Crayola is the best.

If you are discouraged about your drawing ability or find yourself to get frustrated, I can help because I have been there many times. There are so many art classes, books and workshops out there that seem to address everything except the most important thing of all; that is implementing a daily habit of drawing. That is the foundation for The 28 Day Drawing Class. If I could somehow get my students to draw everyday for four weeks, odds would be in their favor that a habit would form. Sign up for my next class at