Luke 6 Give to every man that asks of you; and of him that takes away your goods ask them not again.
Repentence is a u-turn. I was eating lunch with a friend the other day and sharing about my time in NYC when I had mentioned to him about this change of heart I had while I was there. I have always struggled with giving to homeless people. Are they using this money for drugs, alcohol or are they just lazy and in giving them money will I just encourage this pan handling. Well sometime in NY I decided to give to all who asked. I would simply drop a coin or two to all who asked. How they use that money is between God and them. It was really freeing to just let go of this. What is nice about the scriptures is that it never tells us how much to give, but just give to all who ask. This was the only stipulation...they must ask. This got me thinking, what a sight it would be if every single person dropped a quarter in their cup. Some would waste it, some would be lazy, and then there might even be a few that might rise up to a better life. I would love to here what you do.
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