John 3:16 must be one of the most memorized scriptures in the world, but personally I love John 3:14 and the story behind it. John 3:14-15 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life. Here is the backdrop... Moses is leading the Jewish people through the desert over a 40 year period. They like any of us would do... start bitching and complaining (yes, I said bitching). God gets wind of this and spanks them in a sense. He causes snakes to come out from the desert and the snakes start to bite the Jews. When they get tired of being bitten they turn to God and ask for help. Thus He tells Moses to take a brass serpent, put it on staff, and place the staff in the middle of the camp. The people are told, if you get bitten then simply look up to the snake on the pole and you will be healed. To think that this act of complaining would end up being a metaphor for the greatest death ant hope that the world has, is beyond any illustration that I might create.
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