January 2007 was a... what do they call it?... was a benchmark date for me. I was having lunch with a close friend and sharing with him how business had taken a down turn and how this was making me depressed. He looked at me square in the eye and said that my happiness should not be tied into the secure feelings I get from money in the bank. Instead my happiness should be tied up in the Lord. This is not what I wanted to hear, but it was exactly what I needed to hear. For that was the start of one of many– monumental changes in my life. Yes, I already knew the bible verses in my mind, (Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.) but not in my heart. . My treasure for so long was the secure (if there is such a thing) feeling I would get from a sweet looking checking account. So where are things today? Worse than they were a year and a half ago, yet I have never experienced more peace of mind, joy of life, excitement of things to come–all because the Lord had moved my treasure into heaven and thus my heart has followed. It all came down to a lack of faith in the Lord. Stronger faith comes by reading His word. Not books about His word, or books about people who read His word or even bloggers who write about reading His word. The journey for strengthening ones faith starts by quietly reading Gods Word.
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