Does man have a freedom of his will to make choices outside of the will of God? This question and the debate that happens around it has be the source of distruction between many many people throughout history and continues to do so today. So this is just my babbling journey trying to answer that question myself. I did this piece "Depravity" to represent mans continued attempt to make himself look good before God. The viewer might notice that this person has even tried to cover his wound brought on by his own nature/physical makeup, with a band-aid. Very simmular to Adam and Eve covering themselves with fig leaves.
Does man have a free will? I am not sure I even understand what that means, but I know this... The nature of man is to hate God, mans will is tied to his nature. If I put a freshly cooked chicken in one corner of the room and freshly washed head of lettuce in the other corner, what is my hungry dog going to go after? The cooked chicken! Why? It is in his nature to go after that chicken... Does he have freedom to choose the lettuce? Yes, but his nature desires the chicken every day at every meal. It is not freedom of the will where our conversation should lie, but what is the nature of man? For the will of man always follows his nature.