Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wings, Galoto and Scams

Networking, networking, networking...everyday I have tried to make an attempt to get involved with a group to socialize and network. So just the other day I was working in my appartment all day on sending out resumes and putting together some portfolio pieces. I was iching to get out...what to choose... a group that is going to give 1 minute elevator speaches or a group of 250, gathering at this swakie night club for free drinks, food and Ipod giveaways. I chose the later. The event started at 6pm and I was running just a bit earily...5:30. After a day of eating only oatmeal for breakfast and a can black beans for mid afternoon lunch I was ready to scarf down on free drinks and finger food. I arrived at the venue at 5:55, I figured there would be a long line waiting to get in, we're talking here free eats not to mention Ipad give aways.

The club was located in the meat packing area of lower is a bit on on the seeding side of town. There was not a soul in sight, just one bouncer standing at the door. He said that the event did not start until 6:30pm. How in the world do you get 250 people sign up for an event and I am the only one who is early... scam alert.

I decided not to wait around, instead I jumped on a train (that is New York talk for subway) and make a bee line for the twenty cent wind night at croxly’s sponcered by the group called..The New York Shyness and Social Anxiety Meetup Group. Lets just say with a group like this I will be a god! Of course only after I find a cup of Galoto to cool these hot wings.