Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Faith in an Invisible God

I was singing to myself the other day this old hymn and the opening line goes like this... Immortal, Invisible, God only wise...

It is one of my most favorite hymns, and I have lost count of the number of times I have sung it to myself, but this time I stopped at the word invisible. Why would we describe God as invisible? Because it is right out from His word in 1 Timothy 1:17. But why does God stay invisible? I see the results of His handy work ever moment of everyday. I see how He arranges things so that everything works out for my ultimate perfection(good). Maybe it is because of the need for faith and that is a gift from God the invisible. Faith is made up of two parts: part one is hope for the future, and secondly evidence that is not clearing seen. It might even be said to be evidence that just does not exist. So if God was visible, maybe there would not be any need for faith. It is just the way He designed it. What do you think?