Sunday, February 22, 2009

Glass Ceiling is starting to shatter...

OK, I was reading this morning in Daniel chapter 1. Two verses jumped out at me. Vs 3-4...
3 Then the king ordered Ashpenaz, chief of his court officials, to bring in some of the Israelites from the royal family and the nobility- 4 young men without any physical defect, handsome, showing aptitude for every kind of learning, well informed, quick to understand, and qualified to serve in the king's palace. He was to teach them the language and literature of the Babylonians.
So you see for three years these men were students of the Babylonians.
Secondly verse 17 jumped out to me as well...
To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds.

This interested me cause it was both by grace and effort. Over the last 10 years I have wanted to switch from Graphic Design to Illustration. My problem was disciple. I percivered by the grace of God, He lead me to some great mentors over this time and helped me advance to a level that has makes me stand back and say wow. It is my hope that I will be ready in a matter of months, armed with a portfollio with a style of illustration that I am really proud of. Beleive me it was not easy to get here and if anyone wants to following it is a path that is not smooth, but so far the rewards are worth every hour spent in drawing classes, outdoor sketching and studying human anatomy. Enjoy my work. Now it will be up do God to provide the work, because like Daniel, God has given me a grain of understanding of how to be an artist.