Friday, April 6, 2007

Why should I do good?
This morning I was reading from the book of Titius. This book reminds me to continue doing good works for all of those around me.

This caused me to think. What is the motivation to go out and do good works? It is very different for the Christian. If a friend were to give me $50 out of the blue, I would feel indebted to them. I might return the favor by baking them a cake or cutting their grass out of thankfulness. In the process of baking or cutting I would expect nothing in return because these acts were out of thankfulness. When a christian comes to a greater understanding of what God has done for them in salvation, we would feel most indebted to God and want to do all the good works we could get our hands on out of thankfulness to Him. Doing good things for others or giving of our money should spring from a heart of indebtedness, not out of some hope of a future blessing that we might gain.

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