Thursday, November 8, 2007

What is the meaning of Joy?

James 1:2
Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials,...

In the various trials that I have gone through this year it made me ponder the word Joy. The word can be defined as "a calm delight." For the most part happiness is like glee it is for the moment and most people can recognized that one is happy. Joy, on the other hand is a gift from God, it is internal. It is what comes from the knowledge of knowing that God will provide, God will direct, God will remain faithful even when I am unfaithful. To Him I owe everthing.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Empty dreams and unanswered prayer
I have been dreaming and praying that this might be the year that I get published in Communication Arts Magazine. The dreamer just woke up to some disappointing news. I have been passed up again. It is moments like this that the critic will say... “prayer doesn't work, and dreams don't get anything done.” Well, this is what I know– I went into the woods in our back yard and made a giant swing for my kids and the neighborhood (how many people get to do that after a bad day?). It was in that moment that the Lord reminded me of a time six years ago when I lost an opportunity with a major client. This event was a terrible down turn in my design business which ultimately sent us packing up our belongings in California and move to Maryland. I prayed for that client just as much as I prayed for CA magazine. Little did I know—God had other things in mind when He did not answer my prayer in the way that I had hoped six years ago. The funny thing is—I have always dreamed of living in a place where streams run free and trees grow tall and lush–all this in my very own backyard (not to mention making tree swings with my kids). Losing that client six years ago brought us to Maryland, Not getting published this year in CA means...

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Stay true to your heart
I have a style of illustration that I enjoy. Stay true even if you do not have the popularity. I am starting a new mailing campaign that will use silkscreen. I am looking forward to getting started.

Monday, April 16, 2007

The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

This is a great book about staying true to what you are passionate about.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Faith vs Feelings

The days where your heart is cold and lacks feeling toward the things that your minds says is right–are very long days.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Why should I do good?
This morning I was reading from the book of Titius. This book reminds me to continue doing good works for all of those around me.

This caused me to think. What is the motivation to go out and do good works? It is very different for the Christian. If a friend were to give me $50 out of the blue, I would feel indebted to them. I might return the favor by baking them a cake or cutting their grass out of thankfulness. In the process of baking or cutting I would expect nothing in return because these acts were out of thankfulness. When a christian comes to a greater understanding of what God has done for them in salvation, we would feel most indebted to God and want to do all the good works we could get our hands on out of thankfulness to Him. Doing good things for others or giving of our money should spring from a heart of indebtedness, not out of some hope of a future blessing that we might gain.

Illustration Conference?

I have attended a couple of design conferences over the years. They were very helpful. Does anyone know of some good illustration conferences?

Monday, April 2, 2007

Illustration: Getting Back To Basics
It has been over a year since my last drawing session with a live model—way too long. Next saturday I am looking forward to starting the practice of life drawing once again. For the illustrator this must be the foundation of everything we do. Understanding how God has made the human body (old, young, fat, thin, male, female, short or tall) and how it moves in space is the pinnacle of drawing itself. Mastering this form makes everything else a piece of cake.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Secret (of good works)
My neighbor across the street has begun to read the book The Secret. I have not read it and at this point I have no intention of reading it. But what I have heard is that it is about having a positive outlook on things and visualizing in things so much so that they actually come to pass. I find this to be a bit disappointing, cause if we would only put our dependance on God and not is some rehashed idea, we would then find the real peace that passes all understanding—that is no secret.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

The Value of a Good Illustrator Rep
How do you put value on a rep. Some people say that the percentage one pays a rep is too much. But I think most who would say that should look at a rep from a different standpoint. Think of them as your marketing department or better, your sales force. I know my rep Suzanne Craig ( is wanting my success as much as I do. Because when I get paid she gets paid. There is an idea of letting people do what they do best, and stay out of their way. For me—it is to draw, paint and design, for her it is to sell and negotiate deals. We are a team, a business and a company.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Illustration: the ups and downs
I have now been involved with my illustration career for over seven years. I have spent over the years close to $15,000 in promotion, mailings and advertising. In all of that time I have made maybe half of that back. I have been told that my illustration style is good, marketable and unique. So what does one do?... keep going because I love it. Most of my income over the years has come from my Graphic Design I very thankful for this. I have been able to support my family and their needs over the years. But, my real love is illustration. Being an illustrator is like being a musician. I am sure there are a lot of great musicians who just play because they love it, but never make enough on that alone to support themselves. So I will just take hope put it in the back of my mind and just keep doing what I love. Maybe someday I will at least break even. : )

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Fear and Faith
The Lord is active.
I have been praying for greater faith. It seems that this is the area that I fight with the most. It is the fear of whether God exist at all. I have no doubt that christianity is it. My reason is very simple. It is the only religion known to me that offers salvation freely through grace alone. What does this mean? Simply that the most horrible individual in humanly terms can enter haven if they simply seek God through faith in His son Jesus Christ and believe that Christ paid the pentaly for him on the cross. NO GOOD WORKS NEEDED. Every other religion of the world (as far as I know) is based on a system of do xyz and God will be so pleased that He will grant you entrance in His kingdom.

This part is easy for me to get. The hard part is basic faith in the exsistance of God. The ironic thing about this is that Faith is defined in His word as “the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen.” To me... that means that what ever I am looking for to help me with my doubts... does not exist. In the end of the day I must just have...blind faith.

Daily Devotions
The life of a christian is a constant battle of balance. That balance point is different for everyone. At least we can all agree on one the Lord thy God with all your heart, mind and soul and your neighboor as you love yourself. How this plays out in ones life is a great mystery.